Bacheloroppgave: Resirkulerte gravemasser i betongbelegningsstein

Les den interessante bacheloroppgaven om resirkulerte gravemasser i betongbelegningsstein.

Vi gratulerer Annikken de Lange, Eirin Margrete Hallingby og Kine Marlén Must Evensen ved Universitetet i Agder, Fakultet for teknologi og realfag, som i 2017 ferdigstilte bacheloroppgaven "Resirkulerte gravemasser i betongbelegningsstein". Oppgavene er en del av forskningsprosjektet "Utvikling av resirkulert tilslag fra gravemasser til bruk i veibygging og betongproduksjon – RESGRAM", støttet av Norges Forskningsråd.


Velde recycles uncontaminated sand and gravel from construction sites. Of the recycled raw material, 20–25% is defined as “residual fraction” because the size of it is less than 63 μm. This bachelor thesis looks at whether residual fraction can be utilised as an alternative for filler in the production of concrete paving blocks. Investigations from literature, such as Norsk Standard, found that no regulations exist for non-concrete recycled material from construction sites, for this reason, findings are derived from laboratory research.

ASAK is a company that produces environmental stoneware. The laboratory production results was compared with the stone blocks produced at ASAK’s own facilities. It was found that by using the residual fraction as an alternative filler in concrete paving blocks, the production process at ASAK can reduce the amount of cement previously required. This can be financially beneficial for both ASAK and Velde and also be of environmental importance by reducing waste.

(Referanse: Side IV - Bacheloroppgaven Resirkulerte gravemasser i betongbelegningsstein).